
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 29 May 2016

Hello Hello

Long time no see, my friends. Although I'm sure a lot of you followed my travel blog. As of right now, I'm in Mississauga for an internship with D+H. I've completed two weeks already, out of a 12 week contract. I have a feeling it will go by very quickly. I'm staying with the family of one of my friends from high school for the time that I'll be in Mississauga. I'm really grateful for that. I was thinking the other day that coming home to a family that is glad to have me staying with them is so much better than living in a basement apartment by myself. So that's a real blessing. And it's working out well. I'm getting the feel of how their family works and runs, and slotting myself in. I'm now vying for the spot of favourite child ;) I've helped garden, gone grocery shopping with them, and I hung out with Grandma which apparently wins me big points. It's a bit of a running joke now.
I don't know what I'm allowed to say about the work that I'm doing for D+H, but I'm sure it would be boring to write about regardless. But in general, I'm doing User Experience Design for them. What I will do, however, is tell you about some funny moments with my manager. He's a good guy, and seems interested in helping me learn and grow in my abilities. Let's call him G. G's going to be on 'vacation' next week (he's actually moving and renovating his house, so it's not really a vacation).

G: You know you can dress casual, right? Wear jeans or something.
Me: Yea, but I figured I'd keep appearances up for the first couple weeks. *pause* But next week when you're gone, it will all fall apart.

He laughed at that, so now I know I can make jokes like that. I've kind of been testing and observing to see what's acceptable. The people that I'm working with seem pretty laid back and friendly. Then later as he was leaving for the day, he popped his head into my cubicle and said "Dress casual tomorrow would ya? It's a Friday." Not one to disobey the boss, I wore jeans the next day. As G walks by my cubicle he says "Good morn- JEANS!" and continues to walk by. Never a dull moment with G.

Now that I've written it out, that's not actually that funny. I suppose the office just isn't a super exciting place to begin with that the little things seem funnier than they actually are. Oh well. I would talk more about what I'm up to, but I need to go to bed. More on another day.