
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Friday 20 July 2012


Hello again. I'm really tired. I had a really good week this past week. I had two first-time-ever CIT's. They did fairly well, both had some things they could work on. Next week I have a CIT named Kirby. She was with my sister this week and my sister is saying that I won't like her.  From what I've seen of her around camp this past week, I believe her.  Apparently she doesn't have a filter and has trouble understanding her role as a CIT/counselor. I'm going to try and crack down on her.  But that will be difficult for me because I'm quiet and hesitate to say things that could possibly affect my relationship with somebody. I'll be praying about it.  I'm really tired. I know I said that already. As a core staff at camp we are doing 40 Days in the Word.  I'm really enjoying it although I struggle to do the devotions everyday.  It's hard at camp because the only free time you have is after the campers have gone to bed.  But then there are the CIT's and they like to talk so it's kind of distracting.  And you're always really tired by the end of the day. But I try. I've been wanting to do something like this for a while now.  I'm happy with the way that it is really helping me learn how to break down verses and understand and apply them to your life.

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