
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Half Way Done

Hello again. It's been a while, I think.  All of the days and weeks are just blending together.  I can't believe there are only 4 weeks left of summer.  We had a midsummer core staff party this weekend where you could stay overnight and try out some of the different activities around camp.  We only ended up having time to do banana boating and canoeing and kayaking.  Hopefully we will find some time to do the other activities because I really want to shoot some arrows and rifels. I also think it would be interesting belaying some of the other staff instead of kids. But this means that my weekend is now only 24 hours long.  Oh well. I tried to get lots of sleep, slept in today until 10.  I'm still tired though.  My BFFLAAT and I are riding the bus up this week with the Project Camp kids. They are kids who can't afford to come to camp so someone has sponsored them to be there, and they don't have a ride up to camp. It should be interesting.  Last time (week 1) the Project Camp kids came, there were 50 of them and it was one of the worst weeks camp had ever seen. This week there are 90 of them coming up.  Like I said, should be interesting.  I'm in G5 this week, which is younger than last time there were Project Camp kids.  Another thing about riding the bus up is that it doesn't arrive at camp until around 4:45 or so. Regular campers start arriving at 3.  So it means that my CIT will be alone with some campers by herself until I arrive.  And I won't have anytime to talk to her before hand about what rules I usually follow and how I do things, kind of.  I hope she can handle it.  And I won't have any time to set up my stuff.  I saw one of my friends yesterday and it made me realize how much I missed all my friends.  It's hard, because I'm always so tired on the weekend and don't really feel like doing anything. Oh well, until next time.

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