
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Friday 1 March 2013


We refilled our bird feeder yesterday.  (All the way to the top, might I add).
This is what it looked like when I got home from school:

Half gone already! Ridiculous, if you ask me.  Now, you're probably thinking something along the lines of greedy birds and oh maybe they're just really hungry or need food for their family.  NO. Because I'll show you where all that bird seed went:

The darn birds are just knocking it to the ground! Every time we refill it, this happens.  They're so messy.  So they eat all the seed in the feeder, but we never get around to refilling it right away.  Then the birds realize that, oh! there's seed on the ground! No sh*t Sherlock (I've been wanting to say that for a while now...).  So then we see them eating off the ground. Serves them right for putting it there in the first place.  But then we get around to refilling it and the circle continues. 

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