
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 8 February 2015

Can I lay by your side, next to you, and make sure you're all right?

(title from Lay Me Down by Sam Smith)
All I want is someone to look at me the way they look at each other.

(emotional rant to follow)

Something I've been struggling with recently is getting stressed with school work. I know that it's completely normal to be stressed about school, but it's not something I've really experienced before this year, so I don't know how to handle it. And occasionally I'll get so stressed that I can't even attempt to approach anything. There has been more than one occasion where I've cried myself to sleep because I'm so overwhelmed.
So far, nothing has actually failed to happen. I always manage to get myself together and finish what I need to finish. And in all of the "waves" I guess you could call them, of stress that I've had, I have made it through. But despite knowing this, I still get worked up about it. It doesn't help when it's group work and I can't control everything and know what's happening and when.
Something that I think is related to my stress is time passing. I have honestly never felt time pass so quickly in my life. This term is half over and I'm freaking out about that. I feel like I've done nothing over the past month. I keep thinking about how I spend my days. What did you do today? Everything I needed to (usually). I followed my routine. Well, that's great and all, but what did you do today? Nothing of any significance, that's for sure. I feel like my life is passing me by and I'm not doing anything. My weeks are the same, day in and day out. I have my routine down to such a specific schedule that I don't know what day it is. Maybe that's why time is passing so quickly. Because I've reduced each day to a schedule. I try and work things in. Especially over the weekend, I try to do something special. I yearn for contact with people, but once I have it all I can think about is the work I need to be doing.This weekend I did a lot of things, hanging out with friends and such. But it's still all gone already. Tomorrow the next week starts, and I'll go through the motions again. At least after this week, it's reading week and I can turn my brain off for a week.
As I'm writing this, I think that maybe I should forget my routine, and shake things up a bit. But I know that I wouldn't be able to handle not knowing when things are going to happen. Having a routine helps me plan how I'm going to do the things that aren't in my schedule. A routine is a definite must have. And now I sound like a magazine trying to claim that this year's colour is orange.
Well, this attempt at a distraction has been fun, and surprisingly revealing to myself about my thoughts. I don't know what you'll think of it, and I'm trying to tell myself that I don't care.
Never let Heather loose with her thoughts and a way to document them in the public eye.

Monday 2 February 2015

Jesus Comes for Us

Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in Me. There is more than enough room in My Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. - John 14:1–3

I read this verse today and it made me think, that when people die, we always wonder why. Maybe God was punishing them for something they did; maybe Satan got to them. And occasionally, when we've come to terms with it, we think that maybe it was just their time to go. This verse made me think that maybe Jesus has finished preparing our place in Heaven, and He can't wait to show it to us, so He comes and gets us. Just a thought.