
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Monday 23 January 2017

The Real Ending

To minimal surprise but some disappointment, there was no new Sherlock episode last night. On Saturday I was starting to have my doubts. But here we are a week later and there's nothing to show for all the hope we (the fandom) had. There are still some who are clinging to their last shreds of hope that it will actually air next week. Their reasoning for this is because the date will be 1/29, which is a time that Sherlock stopped a bomb going off in a previous episode. But that's too much of a stretch for me. Season 4 is over. The producer of the show even tweeted that there's no fourth episode. I'm going to watch TFP again to watch it with less expectations than I did the first time around. A number of people who originally didn't like it have come around to it. All I can hope is for them to make another season. But enough about Sherlock.
I went home this weekend and managed to finish the top of my t-shirt quilt. I won't be able to quilt it until reading week, but I'm very happy with how it's going so far. I'm really excited to show it to people, because I know camp means a lot to so many people. Tomorrow I get free lunch at Crabby Joe's because I'm helping with some UX testing. They're even providing transportation so I literally am losing nothing out of this.
I've decided to start eating based on Canada's food guide. I know that I don't eat enough fruits and vegetables and I also eat too much meat. I think I might have to increase my grain consumption though, which was not something I was expecting. It will take some adjusting, but hopefully in the long un will lead to healthier eating habits. The plan is to make a tracker that I can use to keep track. Im surprised that no apps exist for this type of thing. I'm also going to start going for walks every other day as a form of exercise. It would appear that if you're not just strolling along and are actually going at a quick pace, walking can be just as effective exercise as going to the gym. And I'm not a fan of the gym, so this is the compromise.

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