
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Monday 23 June 2014

What do you mean, blogging...?

I'm currently sick, which is putting a bit of a damper on things. And being tired doesn't help either. But camp is still a bunch of fun. It's so hard to believe that camp is in less than a week. It will be interesting to see how things go with some new scheduling and new staff. Some staff have come up early so the work is distributed over more people, which helps a bit. Today we had over 200 people at camp for lunch, so the dining hall was all set up and it was like a glimpse of camp. It all went fairly smoothly considering how many people it was. I can't wait till I have a SALT team to help out with everything.

198. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?

199. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Westmount Cineplex movie theatre #6, for The Fault in our Stars

200. What was your childhood nickname?
I didn't really have one.

201. Have you ever been you of your state/province?
Yup, multiple times.

202. Do you play the Wii?
Not so much anymore, but I did, once upon a time.

203. Do you like chicken noodle soup?

204. Do you like Chinese food?

205. Are you afraid of the dark?
Only in unfamiliar areas.

206. Are you mean?
I don't think so. I certainly hope not. Some of my sassy/sarcastic remarks might be mean.

207. Is cheating ever okay?
In general, no.

208. Can you keep white shoes clean?
I wouldn't know because my parents never let me buy white shoes for the exact reason that they would just get dirty

209. Are you currently bored?

210. What makes you happy?
A lot of things. Food, friends, family. Camp. Success. Torrential downpours when I'm inside.

Tuesday 10 June 2014


I've been home for more than 18hrs! I have two full days off - in a row - which is awesome. But camp has been awesome. Tiring, but a lot of fun. Later today I'm going to see The Fault in our Stars movie and I'm so excited! I'm 98% sure I'm going to cry at some point during the movie.

190. Do you regret anything from your past?

191.  Can you spell well?
I like to think so. Enough to function in society. "Conscious" always gets me though. (Or maybe not, I spelled it write first time!)

192. Do you miss anyone from your past?
Obviously not enough to be able to remember them when I'm asked about it.

193. Ever been to a bonfire party?
We had a 'bonfire' on the beach at camp last week and made s'mores and played beach volleyball. Although to be honest, it wasn't much of a 'bon' fire.

194. Ever broken someone's heart?
Not that I know of (but who knows, maybe I had a secret admirer and I crushed them unintentionally).

195. Have you ever been on a horse?

196. What should you be doing?
I'm about to drive my sister and some of her dance buddies to one of their shows.

197. Is something irritating you right now?
I keep hearing these awesome songs I want to be able to play at camp, and then there is one line/word that makes it inappropriate and all I can think is "Why? Why would you ruin the song like that?"

Monday 2 June 2014

183. Last movie you watched?
Last night I watched Frozen on the projector at camp.

184. Favourite actress?
Jennifer Lawrence

185. Favourite actor?
I think you all know who that is.*

186. Do you tan a lot?
I don't purposely go out and tan, but when I am outside, I do tan a lot.

187. Have any pets?
A fish. Kind of.

188. How are you feeling?
Hot and sweaty and tired, but grateful to have a break!

189. Do you type fast?
I think I am a fairly average speed typer. I can type my 17 character password in about 2 seconds though.

*in case you don't (which, if you read this blog, is concerning) it's Benedict Cumberbatch.