
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Monday 2 June 2014

183. Last movie you watched?
Last night I watched Frozen on the projector at camp.

184. Favourite actress?
Jennifer Lawrence

185. Favourite actor?
I think you all know who that is.*

186. Do you tan a lot?
I don't purposely go out and tan, but when I am outside, I do tan a lot.

187. Have any pets?
A fish. Kind of.

188. How are you feeling?
Hot and sweaty and tired, but grateful to have a break!

189. Do you type fast?
I think I am a fairly average speed typer. I can type my 17 character password in about 2 seconds though.

*in case you don't (which, if you read this blog, is concerning) it's Benedict Cumberbatch.

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