
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Friday 30 September 2011

Cake Boss

Today is my sister's birthday.  So happy birthday to her!  Today I had an English test and I think it went fairly well.  I have yet to get my chemistry test back, I really want to know how I did!  Tonight is youth group and we are doing cake boss night.  We get to decorate cakes in teams and then somebody wins.  We are a very competitive group, so you HAVE to win.  We eat the cake of the team who loses :)  My group is planning to do a pacman cake, with cupcakes as the little white dots that he eats.  It is going to be AWESOME!!!  The night is based off the show Cake Boss from TLC (if you hadn't figured it out) and Anthony is my favourite character.  Mainly because everybody makes fun of him.  This is a picture of Domo.  I don't really know what he's from, but I think he is pretty cute.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Red Feather

Today was red feather.  Which, for those of you who don't know, is the first football game of a season for secondary schools.  Everybody dresses up wild to show their school spirit.  My school played MTS, and lost :(  9-22.  We were winning at one point, but that didn't last very long.  We did win at school spirit, though.  It was still fun.  We played at TD Waterhouse stadium.  It was raining at the beginning, but not for very long.  Unfortunately, it meant all the seats were wet.  And cold.  But we survived.  I recently heard this song, Nothing - The Script and fell in love with it (the pic is The Script)!

Wednesday 28 September 2011

I Hate Cliff Hangers

So today my day went fairly well. I had that chemistry test I was talking about and I think I did fairly well.  My youth group leader made up this game where he will text us as a group and the first one to respond wins a prize. So toady during lunch he texted us and I tied with another girl (who won last week). I'm getting faster! ...I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing....  Also during lunch the fire alarm went off at school.  Nobody was sure whether it was a drill or not.  I recently saw the movie Inception for the first time.  I don't know why I waited so long to see it, it is a great movie.  I hate cliff hangers, so I really disliked the ending.  Personally I think he was in reality, even though you don't see whether his totem falls over. Argh!  Maybe there will be a second one...

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Bad Day Today

So today I had a bit of a rough day.  I didn't do to well on a physics test I had yesterday, and its really got me down.  I had my hair cut, nothing special, just a trim.  I have lots of homework (which I should be working on right now...) and a chemistry test tomorrow that I am sooo not ready for.  Hopefully I can try and squeeze in some study time at lunch. Oh well. This is my favourite Cars character, Guido.  I got a lego version of him for my birthday and he is pretty awesome. "Pit stop" :)

Monday 26 September 2011

I Have a Blog

So...I have a blog.  I wonder how long it will take for anybody to find out about it.  I've thought about making a blog for awhile now, and here I am.  My BFFLAAT has a blog, and so I guess she kind of gave me the idea of making one.  About the picture, I have a many obsessions, one of which is the Sherlock TV series by BBC.  This is a quote from that.  Ahhh...quotes. I absolutely adore quotes. My BFFLAAT's mom gave me this cool book for my birthday and it is just pictures of the sky, so you can doodle in the sky. I am writing all my favourite (yes, I'm Canadian) quotes in it.  I will try to post every day, but that likely won't happen. Oh well, we will see what happens.