
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Monday 16 March 2015

Life's for the living so live it, or you're better off dead

Title from "Life's For the Living" by Passenger 

This weekend I had the great pleasure of having my sister come visit me in Waterloo. It was a ton of fun, and we packed so much into the 30hrs we had together. Freshly baked donuts were first on the list. We stopped at a bakery that I had never been to before, but according to reddit, had great donuts. And they did not disappoint. Then we headed to the mall in Kitchener. Next, unfortunately, was the looong bus ride back to my apartment (never before had I realized how much I ride the bus, and how much it would cost me if my student card didn't work as a bus pass). We then went to the World's Largest East Side Mario's for dinner. (I wonder why and how the World's Largest East Side Mario's is in Waterloo...). Back at the apartment, we watched Pitch Perfect, because that is a great movie (thank you J for Netflix). My favourite scene will always be the riff-off. On Sunday morning we went to Cora's for brunch/lunch. I had breakfast poutine, which was delicious. It was home fries with bacon, sausage, and cheese curds covered with hollandaise sauce and an egg on top :) Alison got pancakes with mini Oreos mixed in. That was also delicious (for the record, Cora's pancakes are huge - much larger than they appear in pictures on menus).  Then we went to see Cinderella. It was well done, but because it's a remake, you already know what's going to happen, so the excitement from not knowing isn't there. But I would say still worth watching. One of the highlights was the short at the beginning, Frozen Fever. It was so cute. The songs were a bit of a let down, but there's little mini snowmen that are so cute :) Then I made dinner and we watched Friends.
Alison, we didn't have a lot of time together but we made the most of it and I'm so glad you're my sister. See you in 4 days ;)

320. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
"A little brown house sparrow swoops out of the rafters and lands..." from All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr.

321. What's your religion?

322. If you are outside, what are you most likely to be doing?
Going for a walk (whether that walk be just a walk or walking to a destination).


  1. Now that's a weekend! And now I'm hungry. Did you like the book?

    1. I am still working my way through it...I forgot to bring it home with me this week :( otherwise I probably could have had it finished by now!
