
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 12 September 2012


I love Pinterest. And maybe obsessed. You can now create an account without being a part of Facebook. Although the other day my dad said, (and I quote,) "Maybe we should create a family Facebook account." !!!!!!! Where did that come from?!? Anyway, I think my ear is infected, like around the piercing.  I want to buy a camera and a laptop. It's my birthday soon. Maybe I'll get a laptop or a camera for my birthday. That would be awesome.  Doctor Who started two weeks ago, so two episodes have aired. I have to say, I'm not too impressed so far. The first episode started out with Amy and Rory signing divorce papers. Where did that come from?!? There was no hint at the end of the last season that this would be happening. But then they were back together be the end of the episode. So I thought to myself, "If you're going to go so far as to break them up, at least go with it for a while, don't solve it within the episode. Drag it out a bit, build suspense." And other than that part of the storyline, just not very entertaining. I was never on the edge of my seat or smiling like an idiot or anything (like other episodes have done).  Hopefully they will get better. And did I mention I love Pinterest?

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