
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 30 October 2012


I sit here on this Halloween Eve in my one-si.  (I dunno how you're supposed to spell that...)  I watched DW this afternoon and then Canada's Worst Driver this evening. And then part of another DW episode that I had already seen.  :)  Don't worry, I also did some homework.  I was going to have two tests tomorrow but then my biology teacher decided to move the test till Thursday.  Yesterday I carved my pumpkin. On one side it is the DW logo. Didn't turn out too well.  On the other side it is the crack in time, also from DW.  I am really tired, I need to head to bed. I am in the process of redecorating my room.  I am finally getting rid of that light fixture (so if any of you are interested, lemme know) and (trying to decide where to) hang pictures. I'm not dressing up tomorrow.  I would like to, but I never think of an idea in time to execute it.  I must say that David Tennant is now my favourite Doctor. I can't remember if I've said that already.  I feel that my English class is too overwhelming right now. (I might have already mentioned this too).  We have the standard class work, then an ISP project where we have to read two books and do assignments on them for between middle on November to middle of December.  And now we've just started Literature Circles.  We have to read (yet another) book and do an assignment each week.  So much to do!  And there is always that overhanging dread of trying to decide what I'm going to do after high school. And also driver's ed.  My friend says that I need to call them to schedule in car driving time even though they said they would contact me.  I hate talking on the phone, especially to people I don't know.  Talking in general, really.  And to finish it off, the ball on my cartilage earring fell off. The ball fills in the hole in the hoop so it doesn't fall off. It shouldn't have come off and I don't know how it did. So I'm going to have to go back to Perfect Image and see what they'll do about it.  Afnivosanbhbi'naehb;hfdgipkmrawgjbf;dhbjp'otemshlstnth;luibrhesljz;pgfo/jvm;s/orlhmnajlegj.  Life. 

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