
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 3 November 2012

Youth Group

I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that the youth group retreat is cancelled. I was really excited about it. We haven't had on in a while so when I heard that we were having one this year I got really excited. But not enough people showed interest to make it financially possible.  So our youth leader said that we'll try again in the new year at a place that doesn't make you pay a minimum fee.  The good news is that instead of the retreat we are having a sleepover! Sleepovers at the church are always so much fun. And I'm going to wear my onesie. It's going to be awesome.  My BFFLAAT and I went to see Wreck-It Ralph.  It was really good. Very funny and surprisingly had some dark and violent parts. But overall very worth while seeing.  The power flickered half-way through the movie though.  The sound kept going but there was no image.  So for 5-10 minutes we were just listening to the movie. But eventually the image came back. They rewound it so it was no big deal.  And another funny thing is that my BFFLAAT's dad came and picked us up afterwards. The funny part about that is he put a sign in the car window that said "Movie Shuttle".  We both started laughing. Another woman that was standing outside of the theater said that her dad did the same thing to her when she was 16.  We left the sign up the whole way home.  My family hasn't eaten dinner yet and I'm really hungry.  We are having tuna melts, one of my favourites.  After dinner I'll probably do some more review for my English Midterm on Monday. I think it will go well.  The teacher has told us what we are doing, the exact questions, and also the essay that we are going to be doing those questions on.  We are allowed to bring our copy of the essay into the midterm and we can write all over it.  So it will be good.

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