
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 3 October 2012


Last week our art teacher told us that instead of him teaching us art history, we would each choose a time frame and teach the class about that time.  And, being me, I choose the second earliest time slot. So that means I present second, which means this Friday. So I've been spending a lot of my time working on that. My friend is going first, tomorrow.  The only positive sides to this are that I get it over with and he said that he would mark us easier because we've had less time. Some people won't have to present until late December. How much you wanna bet that there will be some people who completely forget? Or the people who've had two months won't be any better than the people who've had two weeks? I'm looking forward to that. What I'm not looking forward to though is presenting. I do not like public speaking.  Thankfully the lesson doesn't have to last the entire period. That would be a nightmare.  I also have a sketchbook due tomorrow, a bio lab due on Friday and two tests next week. I'm really happy it's a long weekend.  I'm going to go watch DW.

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