
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Monday 5 May 2014


I got 81% in microeconomics! Boo yeah baby! But there's no way I actually got that, I'm thinking he went ahead and bell curved the exam (or I don't know my own knowledge) but I'm not complaining. My average for the term was 82, which I am very happy with. My lowest mark, however, was in digital imaging, which you would think would be easier to do well in. But the professor was a very hard marker. The highest mark I ever got on any of my assignments was 82. Also, I am in love with Songza (thank you Justine!). I am now wondering how I ever lived without it. Only two more days till I'm heading up to camp! I'm so excited. I love being at camp when there are no campers around. It's a completely different experience. It will be especially strange for the first few days because there might only be three people there.

160. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Three (one is a husband pillow [weirdest name ever]), but I only actually sleep on one. The other two are off to the side.

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