
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 7 September 2014

A Day in the Life?

I was going to go to church this morning, but then I missed the bus because I decided not to cross the street at the red flashing hand -_- So I came back and watched a sermon online. It was good, it discussed the question, "If God knows the future, how can we have free will?" I made some cookie dough, which I'll bake later tonight or tomorrow. Then my friend and I went to the mall, where we bumped into another one of our friends. We bought yoga mats and ankle weights because we are determined to do a mini work out each night. I figured, the only way I'm going to really get into the work out is if I know that I've invested money, cause then I have to make it worth it. Hopefully it works out (no pun intended). Then we all went to Dollarama, which we walked back from. I'm very tired. And now I'm going over to a friend's house tonight. This is too much for me to handle. And I haven't even got my school stuff together. There is not enough hours in the day. I'll just be happy to get into a routine.

250. Description of crush.
Don't have one

251. Fears?
Oblivion. Just kidding. I don't know that I really have a big fear. Sometimes I'm a little paranoid about forgetting things and needing to double check things, but I don't know if that's a fear. Sometimes, when I'm feeling philosophical, I fear the future.

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