
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Friday 26 September 2014

Things That Made Thursday Awesome

1. I managed to sell my courseware that I bought accidentally.
2. I found $20 on the ground.
3. I had nachos and dip for lunch.
4. I saw a Scion IQ in real life.
5. I ate brownies.
6. I ate Rheo Thompson Chocolates.
7. Laundry (ok, I know what you're thinking, laundry can't possibly be a good thing. But there is one thing I like about doing laundry, more specifically: my bed sheets. Remaking my bed, while a struggle at times, guarantees that my bed will be in perfect shape when I go to bed. All the sheet corners will be tight, everything will be even on both sides, and it looks nice :D I love going to bed after I've washed my sheets)
8. I (finally) got my mail key (I had the pleasure of going through almost 2 years worth of mail, because clearly the tenants before us never checked the mail. And out of all of it, only 2 were not advertisements. Also, Rogers needs to calm the heck down).
9. I got two late birthday presents (tea thermos and sushi!)
10. I actually got more done on my to-do-list than I thought.
11. The repair guys (or rather, the guy and gal) came and fixed everything we had listed on our deficiencies list.
12. Only one more day till Summit!

Things That Made Thursday Not So Awesome
1. I had to go to an extra 3hr class this evening.
2. Said 3hr class gave me more reading to do.
3. I missed my bus and panicked to find another one (I still made it on time).
4. Laundry
5. The repair guy did something to the toilet to fix it, but in doing that, created another problem with it.

258. Something you want to learn.
Crocheting (I would like to become good at it). How to use all the settings on my camera. How to force creative thoughts....

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