
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 17 September 2014

This year, tuesdays are the days that are held in Stratford, so that's where I was yesterday. In my first class we got to spend 2/3 of the class walking around and taking pictures. It was a lot of fun, and we got some really good shots. We took some by the abandoned building behind campus and also meandered into town and took some by Town Hall. While we were out, ambulances showed up at the Stratford campus. They wheeled someone out on a gurney and took them, I'm assuming, to the hospital. We didn't recognize who it was, so we thought it might be one of the third years, because they live in Stratford now. The second class was nowhere near as fun, but some interesting discussions about some readings. And then, near the end of that class, one girl was having trouble breathing and was all red in the face, so she left too. She also ended up going to the hospital. Not a good day for UWaterloo Stratford campus! Two hospital trips in one day.
After class, my friends and I didn't get on the bus, because we had plans for a GNO, I guess you could call it. We had tickets to see the play Hay Fever at the Avon Theatre. But first we did some shopping, mainly at chocolate stores. Well, only at chocolate stores. I bought a lot of chocolate :) (I love Rheo Thompson!) A lot of stores in Stratford close at 6, so there wasn't a lot of options and/or time. So that was fun. Then we ate dinner at Fellini's, an Italian restaurant. I got pasta with chicken, bacon and roasted peppers. It was really good. I kind of had to shove the last few bits down though because I was so full. And then my friends had told the restaurant that it was my birthday, so they brought me a mini cake. And even though I was full, I still ate it because that is quite possibly the best cake I have ever had in my entire life, no jokes. It was so moist and chocolatey, I wanted to call it a lava cake, but there was no oozing...I don't even know how to describe it. It was so good. It's too bad I had to force it down because I was so full. Then we wandered over to the theatre and saw the play. It was really funny, but not quite what I was expecting. I don't really know what I was expecting. And as a surprise birthday gift, my friends payed for my ticket! So that was really sweet of them. After the play, we got into the car (my friend drove up to Stratford in the morning so that we would have a ride back). My friend who was driving claimed to have a great sense of direction, but then made this one turn out of Stratford that I was questioning. So then we got the GPS out and it told us to make a couple turns. A few minutes later, we were back in Downtown Stratford. (So clearly it's me who has a good sense of direction). Then we were on our way home. By the time we finally got going in the right direction and had dropped everybody off, I got home around 11:30. I had told myself that I was going to to some reading for school when I got back, but that didn't happen. It was a very long day, but a lot of fun.

252. Height.
I believe I am almost, but not quite, 5'9".

253. Role Model
Reagan Butler.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great birthday! Taking photos in a class ...I'm so jealous!,
