
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 13 December 2014

The Holidays Have Arrived!

I'm done 2A! Wow. That's wild. But I'm glad I'm done. I'm so ready to go home and be all Christmas-y. :) I can't wait to decorate the Christmas tree and make gingerbread. Also, there are so many movies coming out that I want to see! I am so excited to see The Imitation Game.
I went to bed last night at 11 because I knew today would be a long day, what with having two exams and all. But I couldn't fall asleep until 4am. Part of it may have been the fact that my roommates came back from their night out at 3am, which probably pushed back the falling asleep. But it most definitely had to do with the Asians in the penthouse above. I've never seen them myself, but my roommates say that Asians moved into the penthouse earlier this month. And I can hear them moving around occasionally, no big deal. But there have been a handful of times when they've played music late at night (they're fans of Adele). Now, it usually doesn't bother me because I'm awake and (usually) not doing anything terribly important, so I let it slide.
Last night, however, is a different story. As I mentioned, I was trying to sleep so I would be well rested for my exams. And as I lay in bed, trying to fall asleep, what sound should come through the vents but none other than Asian karaoke. At least, I'm pretty sure it was karaoke. The voice sounded very separate from the music. Regardless, not what I want to be listening to while falling asleep. The worst part was that it wasn't constantly playing. A song would play, and then there'd be a couple minutes of silence, and then another song would start up. And that's worse than one song after the other, because during the pauses you can't help but have hope that it's over. You all know what I'm talking about; when something is pissing you off and you think it's stopped. But deep down inside you know it hasn't. And the longer the pause, the larger the hope grows. Only to be crushed again, seconds after thinking, "This is definitely it. It's got to be over".
So that went on for a couple of hours. I was seriously considering contacting the police or whoever it is you're supposed to contact about noise. Well, I say seriously. When the thoughts were running through my head they felt pretty serious. But in reality, if I had called someone, I first of all would have had to get out of bed, which would guarantee not falling asleep. Then I would have had to put real clothes on to go talk to them or something. Not to mention the fact that I don't have minutes on my phone so calling someone would have costed me money. Anyways, I didn't call anyone. (But I did imagine the conversation I would have had with the officer, had I decided to call them.)

I'm so excited to make gingerbread. 

290. Favourite holiday?
This may be biased, given the time of year, but Christmas.

291. Favourite month?
May or September.

292. Have you ever cried for no reason?
I have started crying without knowing why, but upon thinking about it, I can usually pinpoint a reason.

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