
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Friday 26 December 2014

A !#FFFFFF Christmas

I suppose I could take one of these depressingly-not-cold nights to write a blog post (my mother gives me looks when she checks my blog and there isn't a new post). I wish there was snow, to be completely honest. I miss needing to bundle up in scarves and gloves to go outside. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss shovelling snow. It was always a time that I could exercise, enjoy the outdoors and have quiet time to myself, all in one. So I'm a little disappointed there's no snow and it's been weeks since the temperature dropped below zero.
I was thinking that we shouldn't call it Christmas Day, but rather Christmas Hour(s). Because there's the Christmas celebration in the morning, but then the rest of the day is just any other day off (except for Christmas dinner). My grandma is visiting and we had my aunt and cousins over for a few days. It was god to be able to see them again, even if I didn't hang out with them that much :/ We had the classic turkey dinner with all the side dishes. My favourite is always the stuffing. My dad has started making the stuffing outside the turkey and while he thought he would never admit it, he likes it better that way. In no small part because now you can make so much more stuffing, which is good news for me :) Eating recently has been a bit of a struggle because I got my wisdom teeth out a week ago. I'm no longer in any pain, but I can't open my mouth all the way. Which I only notice when I'm eating, which has caused me to dwell on how I use my mouth. I never really thought that I took particularly large bites, but evidently I do. Nevertheless, eating takes me a while (bad news for securing seconds and thirds). There has also been an abundance of baked goods around which is bad news for my waist line.
The one big notable gift I got this year is a drawing tablet, which I've been wanting for a while. It let's me doodle and draw and have it show up on the computer (I thought this was common knowledge, but everyone I've told about it has asked me what it does). I also got a lot of tea and tea related merchandise. I asked for a temperature set kettle, and I got one, which I'm so happy about. My dad doesn't understand this, but if you make some teas with boiling water, you can burn the tea and give it a bitter taste. To prevent this, I usually wait for a while after the kettle boils before making my tea. But now, with my temperature set kettle (I don't know if that's what it's actually called, it's just a term I came up with) I can make my tea right away. My brother got me a earl grey tea sampler from The Tea Haus. Now, when I think sample, I think enough to make one or two cups. The box was a decent size, so I was expecting 10 or 12 different samples. Instead, it was 4 full sized bags of loose leaf tea. Like the bags that DavidsTea comes in, packed full. It's a lot of tea. I've only tried one so far, but I really like it. My sister got me a tea steeper that looks like a little man chilling on the edge of your mug. It's pretty cute.
I really want to see the movie The Imitation Game. My parents have also expressed an interest in seeing it, so I have high hopes that I'll be able to convince them to go see it in the near future. This evening we watched Grand Budapest Hotel. If I had to give a quote to promote the movie, I would choose "Visually intriguing". It was not what I expected (mind you, I didn't know much about the movie going in). The cinematography was very different that most movies today are; kind of indie? It actually kind of reminds me of 500 Days of Summer in that way. Not really what I was expecting, visually different than the status quo and generally a good movie (in my opinion, at least).
I just finished reading We Were Liars by E. Lockhart and wow. What. An. Ending. I think I mentioned it in an earlier post and gave the book description, which ends with "And if anyone ask you how it ends, just LIE." That was what got me interested in the book in the first place. And it lived up to it. The beginning of the book was a little slow, but worth it for the ending. (And no, I won't tell you the ending). Now I want to try and read one more book before the end of the year to complete my goal of reading 20 books this year. Something I want to do in the new year is read more often. Because this past year, reading was put on a back burner to school and surfing the internet. Less tumblr, more reading. And creativity. I was given some art inspiration for Christmas, and I want to make a real effort to try and be creative more often. I may also steal J's idea of getting rid of something everyday. It probably won't be everyday, and being away at university will make it hard, but I want to make a real effort to get rid of things I don't need. Because Lord knows I have way too much stuff. Kijiji, here I come.
I have a ton more stuff I want to write about (like Elliott's birthday party, Boxing Day shopping, how the break is almost over, and saying "saucy" in a British accent to my Grandma), but I want to go to bed before the sun comes up, so I'll draw this to a close.

293. What was the last movie you watched?
The Grand Budapest Hotel

294. Favourite day of the year?
Christmas is one of them. But birthdays are also nice because their your own special day, and nobody else's.

295. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
You betcha,

296. Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)?
Is the pope atheist? (Hint: the answer is no).

297. Hugs or kisses?
Hugs. And then if I decide I like you, kisses.

In case you were wondering (which I know you are), #FFFFFF is the colour code for white, and "!" represents "opposite" or "not" in computer programming. 

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