
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 6 December 2014

Passing That Time

I went to the mall today and came back with nothing. I feel like a failure. Who goes to the mall and buys nothing. Especially in December! *sigh* Some people are so hard to shop for.
My english exam went well. But what I'm really happy about is my final paper for that class, which we got back after we handed in our exam. And I got an 89 :D I'm so happy. And this is what my prof had to say: "This was a real pleasure to read, Heather - great ideas, very well researched, and carefully argued. Except now I'm a bit depressed about social media..." (my paper was about how mobile phones are ruining our real life interactions). Coming from her [the prof], that means a lot. I've done really well in this class, I think my lowest mark was an 83. And it's not like the course was easy or that the prof was an easy marker, because she said most of the marks are in the low 70s. So I'm pretty happy with myself. That professor was also the best professor I've ever had. She also gave me a 93 on the revised response paper (which I'm pretty sure I talked about before). I literally went up 4% because I added 5 words and fixed a typo. Man, that class was great.

283. How is the weather right now?
Well, from looking out my window, I can tell you that Waterloo is currently...dark. Not windy, high probability of it being cold. Nothing falling from the sky.

284. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Their appearance. And I would just like to say something, because I think this question is fishing for what I call, a beauty pageant answer. "Oh, the first thing I notice about boys is their stunning personality!" No. No, I'm sorry, it's really not. The first thing you notice about someone is their appearance. You have no other option! Unless you meet them online or some other way that would not involve seeing them. But if you're walking down the street, the first thing you're going to notice is not their ability to crack jokes.

285. Do you have a significant other?

(But Benedict does and this is what he said about her:
He's so adorable. They are so frickin cute together. )

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