
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Mysterious Staircase

I was trying to decide what to do for my sketchbook this week and I decided I might try a mysterious staircase. So I googled it, only to find that the one same staircase came up multiple times. I figured there must be something to this staircase so I looked into it. Apparently there were a bunch of nuns who needed a staircase to the upper level of a church that had just been built. They prayed that somebody would help them with their problem. A few days later a stranger shows up and says he'll build them their staircase. The thing is, he does it with out glue, nails or a central support. The staircase seems to be somehow supporting itself. Modern architects cannot figure out how it stands. Stranger still, the carpenter who built it didn't leave his name or wait to be paid for building the staircase. And apparently the wood that was used to build it is a mystery as well, because it doesn't grow anywhere in the region of the church. To this day it is still unknown who built the staircase and how it stands. Freaky, huh?

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