If you googled what 'Vashta Nerada' was and found out, I want you to comment on what you thought it was before you googled it and then how surprised you were when you found out what it is. Pictures can be misleading, can't they? I think that the flower petals would really throw you off. I don't really know what caused me to make this image... I just love the Vashta Nerada because they are such a cool invention (I mean, who would even think of inventing something like that!? Steven Moffat, that's who) but also because of their name. It is so much fun to say. Vashta Nerada. ;)
I already knew who they were. i did google it just to make sure. And I'm not lying. Or maybe I'm lying and then lying about lying....
You are so lying. I was with you when you googled it. And not just to make sure, it was because you forgot. Don't bother trying to deny it.