
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Friday 12 April 2013

Sweet Dreams...and Carrots?

I had a dream last night that my BFFLAAT and I were in a foreign European country.  (It wasn't England though).  We were a part of a tour group and had just finished hiking to the top of a mountain.  There was the option of instead of walking back down, you could skydive down. Except we were already so close to the ground that you basically pulled the chute as soon as you jumped.  My BFFLAAT and I had decided to walk back down instead of jumping.  There was somebody standing on the platform about jump but then they decided that they didn't want to jump. They then proceeded to return their equipment and who is it non other than Benedict Cumberbatch. BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH.  So on the inside I'm freaking out but I don't want to bother him (and seem like too much of a fangirl) so I don't mention anything. He goes over to talk to the people that he is obviously with, explaining that he just couldn't bring himself to jump.  But then my BFFLAAT recognizes him and says, "Isn't that the guy you like?" And I'm like nodding my head like crazy and say "Yes, Benedict Cumberbatch," with obvious awe in my voice.  Nobody else seems to have recognized him.  My BFFLAAT then proceeds to march up to Benedict Cumberbatch and says, "My best friend is one of your biggest fans." (Note: I am a fan of Benedict Cumberbatch. However, I am definitely not one of his top fans. Having become more familiar with tumblr of late, there are some people who are OBSESSED with Benedict Cumberbatch.  So yeah).  Anyways, my BFFLAAT then proceeds to turn around and point at my shocked face. I couldn't believe what my BFFLAAT was doing! I would love to meet him, yes, but I didn't want to bother him. But then I thought, well my BFFLAAT has already pointed out that I would be interested in meeting him, so might as well go through with it.  Upon seeing me, Benedict smiles and sticks out his hand.  I step forward and go to shake his hand. But when I grab his hand it is not in the typical hand-shaking formation. He's doing something weird with his thumb and pinky together....I don't know.  I look at him with a puzzled look on my face and he smiles even more. He says, "We should have a special handshake." The fangirl inside of me is FREAKING OUT BECAUSE OMG BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH WANTS TO HAVE A SECRET HANDSHAKE WITH ME but on the outside I just smile shly and I'm like, "ok".  So he does this weird thumb with pinky shake thing that I can't remember.  He asks me what my name is and where I'm from. I explain that we are from Canada.  And that I love his work and I think he's a great actor and everything.  Not wanting to take up too much of his time, I ask for an autograph and tell him that I'll leave him alone.  He tells me that he doesn't mind, thanks for all the support and have a great day! Well, my day had already been made! My BFFLAAT has now started to wander over to a building at the top of the mountain.  I go over to her with a goofy grin on my face. She just looks at me like "wow, get over yourself" but also smiling at me.  She then proceeds to point at a tiered seating area that we are standing at the top of.  There are rows of benches, almost in the style of a outdoor theater.  The only thing is, is that on most of the benches there are giant carrots. CARROTS.  Peeled carrots, nonetheless.  People are cuddling with them and leaning on them as if it were completely normal, like they were pillows or something.  My BFFLAAT looks at me like, "isn't this so strange and funny at the same time?"  I'm just confused as to why anybody would lie on a carrot. And then I wake up. 

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