
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 7 April 2013

David Tennant

I was looking for one of my old posts and came across my "My Top 5 Men" post, and I thought it could use some extending.

7. David Tennant.
He plays the Tenth Doctor. And, as I recently found out, Barty Crouch Jr in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.  And he did a version of Hamlet, which was great.  All I have to say is HIS HAIR.  Gravity-defying, let me tell you. He is my favourite Doctor.  And so here are some videos of him being the doctor:
I ALWAYS laugh when I see/think of this episode. What's going on is that Cassandra has taken over the Doctor's body and it's her reacting to the body (cause Cassandra doesn't really have a body). Cassandra has also been inside Rose's (the girl) head, that's what Cassandra is referring to when she says "I've been inside your head and you like it."
And another:
This is the Doctor telling his companion, Martha, rules and things to do for when he is human (for various reasons relating to the episode).  But there is a part of the episode when you see the Doctor talking in the video, but you don't hear him.  So this is what David says in between. :)

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnd that's about it. There's nobody else to add at the moment. 

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