
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 22 January 2012


OMG EXAMS START THIS FRIDAY!!!!!! It's only my art exam (not to say it's less important than the others, but it will be my easiest exam) but I'm still freaking out.  I really need to stop playing TT (I have 29 floor now!) and spend more time studying.  I like to think that I am a very self disciplined person.  If I need to do something by a certain time, I make sure it is done.  When the alarm goes off in the morning, I get up (I used the snooze button once a couple years back and I was thrown off all day).  I know that homework is a priority, but I also think that it is okay to have some time to do what I want.  Unfortunately, with exams coming up, I can't really afford free time.  It's just so hard to sit and study for hours at a time.  I also think that I need to change/add to the way I study.  OK, I can't do this: just talking about exams is freaking me out.  I probably won't post for a week, I'll be studying (with occasional breaks to play TT).  Song of the day is Life After You - Daughtry.  I can't remember whether I've done this song before or not...

1 comment:

  1. "there are many hours in every day"--this expression got me through university. just keep repeating it to yourself until you can breathe normally again :)
