
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Friday 6 January 2012


I recently watched Iron Man and Iron Man 2 for the first time, and I loved them!  I hope there is a third one. It's kind of funny, cause the girl on the cover doesn't ever wear that dress in the movie.  I finished putting up a quote on my wall today.  I would show you a picture, it's really cool, but the computer is not cooperating and letting me download photos. So I guess you won't see it, for now.  The quote says "Life is the art of drawing without an eraser."  - John W. Gardner.  I have been listening to music and doing Sudoku puzzles fro most of the afternoon...not very productive.  We went glo golfing this morning, that was fun, I came in second, but still 7 under par (the course isn't very hard and every hole has a par of 3).  I"m still putting away at my essay, at the editing stages now.  I have become obsessed with this site called GoodReads.  It the information about a lot of books on it, and you can make an account, and rate the books you've read, and make a list of books you want to read.  One thing I really like about it is that it will give you recommendations based on the book s you've read and you want to read.  There is a goal for how many books you can read in a year.  I put my goal as 50, but that might be too low.  I've already read two books.  Well, technically I started the first one in 2011, but it still counts towards your goal. 

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