
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 18 January 2012


I want to give a shout out to Jeanine who, as far as I know, posted every single day on her blog last year.  I now realize how hard that must have been.  She also took a picture everyday, I would get sick and tired of moving the memory card from the camera to the computer, back and fourth, back and fourth.  Clearly, I am not posting every day.  I really want to change that, but its hard, especially with exams in just over a week. A WEEK!!!  Good news though, my mark in chemistry right now is high enough that if i fail the exam, I will still pass the course! Not that I'm planning to fail....  I've been reading some more of my book, finally been able to put TT (Tiny Tower) down...but not for long.  I've got 20 floors! And I've upgraded my elevator all the way...not that you know what that means.... My song of the day is Distance - Christina Perri.  Really love this song, she voices what I think a lot of girls probably feel.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Heather - there were days it was hard ... but then it became an addiction...I miss it. Taking an on line class to figure out how to make a better blog. Love reading yours.
