
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Oh, and BTW...

I'VE BEEN ACCEPTED TO WATERLOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Mysterious Staircase

I was trying to decide what to do for my sketchbook this week and I decided I might try a mysterious staircase. So I googled it, only to find that the one same staircase came up multiple times. I figured there must be something to this staircase so I looked into it. Apparently there were a bunch of nuns who needed a staircase to the upper level of a church that had just been built. They prayed that somebody would help them with their problem. A few days later a stranger shows up and says he'll build them their staircase. The thing is, he does it with out glue, nails or a central support. The staircase seems to be somehow supporting itself. Modern architects cannot figure out how it stands. Stranger still, the carpenter who built it didn't leave his name or wait to be paid for building the staircase. And apparently the wood that was used to build it is a mystery as well, because it doesn't grow anywhere in the region of the church. To this day it is still unknown who built the staircase and how it stands. Freaky, huh?

Friday 22 February 2013


I don't know if you remember my travel and tourism course that I took last year and talked about sometimes. (I talked about it here). Anyway, the awards night invitations just came out. As expected, I got academic excellence, which means that your average was higher that 80% I think. Or maybe 85%. I dunno. Anyways, along with that I also won the Travel and Tourism award. I'm not exactly sure what that requirements are in order to get a course award, but I think it has something to do with marks and being an overall good student. I'm surprised. I mean, not really. If somebody in the class had to get the award, I am definitely not surprised that I got it. But I hadn't really even considered getting a special award. I guess that's why I'm surprised. I'm happy about it. But I'm not going to brag about it. It's not like its a grade 12 university chemistry award, it's the grade 11 open travel and tourism award. I won't deny winning it, but I'm not exactly going to bring it up in conversation. If you get what I'm trying to say.

Vashta Nerada

Wednesday 20 February 2013


This is another paper I did. I really like this one because it so clearly depicts how my generation has its priorities mixed up. I don't mean to stereotype my generation, but this is sure what it seems like.

Image copyright Heather W. 

Tuesday 19 February 2013

My Quilt

I also forgot to mention that I finished my quilt on Saturday. My sewing teacher is making me a label for the back, so I'll show you a picture of that later, but this is basically the finished project.

The black and white floral design is the back.  There's white on both sides of each coloured strip, in case my attempt at cool photography skills doesn't depict that very well.  And the binding (the edge, for all you non-sewers out there) is orange for a bright pop of colour.  I really like how the quilting in lines made the back of the quilt look.  I think this is one of my favourite quilts I've made yet.
All photos Copyright Heather W.


I really love the app Paper by 53. I don't have the entire app, just two brushes, but I still really enjoy what I can create with it. I especially like how my handwriting turns out in it. I've taken to writing out Doctor Who quotes and this is one of my favourites:

Also, I did these little sketches which I LOVE.

Ok, that last one is actually Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock, but I think it's pretty awesome. Here's another quote that I did, and I think it is one of my all-time favourite Doctor Who quotes. It just has so much power:

And none of you will  understand this (unless you've started watching Doctor Who and DIDN'T TELL ME), but I just have to put it up there:

All images Copyright Heather W.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

The Snack Phenomenon

As the scientist that I am, I have developed the Snack Phenomenon that I have seen occurring in my living environment. It deals with available snacks at any given time. Snacks are classified as a small portion, most often sweet, that is easily accessible and good for afternoon snacks or dessert. The phenomenon that occurs (which I call the dense snacking time) is that if there's one snack present, there are at least 3 other snacks present at the same time. They all arrive at approximately the same time, and most often are consumed by the same time as well. There is then what I like to call the empty period, in which there are no snacks.  Anywhere. The empty period then leads to the recharge period. This consists of when family members notice the empty period and do everything in their power to exit the empty period. Cookies will be bought, brownies will be made, secret stashes will be revealed, etc.  However, this leads to the dense snacking time to occur again. It is a vicious circle. An annoying one at that.

On a completely different note, I am giving up Pinterest for Lent. I think I will be able to do it. I might have to delete my bookmark and app to make it through, though. I tried encouraging my parents to make it mandatory that everybody in the family give something up, but to no prevail.  I'm going to a friends birthday party tomorrow. It's at a place I've never been before, so I'm excited to go. More so to just hang out, but its all good.