
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Photo Shoot!

Sometimes I will think to myself, that would make a good picture. But then the next thought is usually I'm too lazy to go get my camera.  Luckily for you, today was not one of those days! However, once I do actually manage to get my camera out, I figure I might as well take a ton of pictures because it's probably going to be a while before my camera is out again. So I take lots of pictures.  And it's a whole other story to actually getting around to posting them. Or even getting them onto the computer.  But today is your extra lucky day, because I have gotten out my camera, taken (lots of) pictures, put them on the computer, AND I'm going to post them. All within the hour. I almost can't handle it. Hopefully you can.  :) Now, in my recent abundance of free time, I have taken to attempting some of the DIYs I repin on Pinterest.  (That's another surprising thing for today: who actually attemps the things they repin? Mostly when I repin DIYs it's like, wow, this looks cool! I'll repin it. But I have no intention of actually attempting it.)  Anyways, I did this yesterday:

I also started another one of an owl. I do the hammering outside and this little guy was keeping me company:

(After I took that last picture there, he fell off the edge...).  Funny story about this guy: he was hanging around out garden a couple weeks ago and at that point he couldn't fly. (And he can still only fly very short distances).  But his mom was hanging around and looking for food for him. But he would be squawking and squawking demanding food. His mom would feed him and then go get some more. But as soon as he couldn't see his mom, he would stop chirping. As soon as he could see his mom again, the squawking would start again. Talk about knowing when to use your energy and when it's a lost cause.  :) Baby bird with an attitude.  Anyways, when I went outside today to do some hammering, I was happy to see that he was still alive (because often/sometimes baby birds don't make it) and he kept me entertained.  He was hanging out in the veggie garden. Well, I say hanging out. More like running away from me while I used him for a photo shoot. Hence the falling off the ledge.  (No animals were harmed in the making of this blog post). And since I was taking lots of pictures, I decided I would give you a little challenge. Can you guess what plant this is?
Any ideas? Any at all? How about now:
Do you think you have it? I'll give you another photo:
That one's an aerial.  Can you tell now? OK, one more picture:
This is the ideal angle and zoom for trying to figure out what this is. Anybody got it? Well, hopefully you did, because I'm not going to tell you what it is. Hahaha. This is about as mean as I get.
We also have a non-veggie garden. Well, multiple non-veggie gardens, including a window box. And I am loving the flowers my dad/mom chose this year for the flower box:
 (And every picture hereafter was taken on manual focus. This may not seem like a big acomplishment to the more practiced photographers out there, but this is the first time I've ever tried manual focus and I think I did pretty well)

So pretty. I especially love the pink and purple together.
(When I say non-veggie garden, I mean a flower bed (obviously) but I just realized that calling it a non-veggie garden wasn't exactly normal...)
This is our fence, where it has been continually beat and banged by the lawn mower. I thought it made for a cool picture:

And this knot is pretty cool. It's almost a neon colour. At least in person it is. 
More pretty flowers!
At first I didn't think the focusing was going so well with these itty bitty flowers, but now I like the way it just focuses on a little group of them.  It forces you to look closer at the photo and appreciate them more. 


This plant is my favourite non-veggie plant (I will now and forever more refer them as non-veggie plants) that we have:
 It almost looks like seaweed! (it's not). (Seaweed, that is).

I was going to play another game with you, but you're brain might still be too exhausted from the first one, so I thought I would give you a break. And also, I wouldn't be able to tell you what this plant is called whether I wanted to or not.  The reason I like it so much is because it's so soft and fuzzy.  :)
This is just me trying out the manual focus:
And my last set of photos for today:

This is my other little friend who is constantly hanging out around our chives. 
That's it.
That's all the photos.
Haha, and the award for longest blog post ever goes to...
And this is probably where you thought I would tell you what that plant was.  You were wrong.  :) Turns out I can be even more mean.

This is where I'm going to tell you what that plant is.

JK. Man, I am SO mean.
(I just realized that what if you do know what the plant is and now I'm just making myself look like a fool going on like this?)

Ok, so you clicked on Read More because you were really hoping that I would tell you what plant it is.

SOOOO mean.

Now I am actually just kidding. They're POTATOES!!! Man, I love growing potatoes. Have you ever tried fresh potatoes? I know it doesn't seem like one of those foods that would necessarily taste a lot better when they're fresh and homegrown, but seriously. You have got to try homegrown potatoes some time. They're so creamy and soft and fluffy!

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