
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 2 June 2013

High Ropes

I am in the process of my high ropes training. (But by the time you read this I will be done the training because the camp wifi sucks and keeps dropping out). I am not 18 yet so I can't be officially certified. Last year they were willing to hold your certification if your birthday was within a month. But this year they are willing to hold it three months. The sucky thing is that still doesn't include me. BUT the training guy said that he talked to his boss and they are willing to hold off my certification till then. It may be because its my second year doing the training. So I get to be certified!  I mean, I would be operating the ropes course regardless of my certification or not, but it is fun just to say I am officially certified. :) Boy, it is good to be back at camp.  Especially the ropes. I'm excited to be working with new people as well. And more people, which was always an issue last summer, we didn't have enough people. Well, there were enough, but we rarely got to take a break. 

I am now done high rope training. There were two test components, a practical and a written. I got perfect on my practical. Which, if I'm honest with you, is really the only part that matters.  The written is mainly stuff that the high ropes vendor has taught us and is a part of the certification, but we never use it at camp. Anyways, I haven't heard yet on how I did on the written.  I am in a lot of pain right now and am extremely tired. I may have gotten a little burnt and my limbs are really sore. I have a headache from being in the sun for so long and a lack of sleep. My legs are pretty beat up from climbing, lots of cuts, scrapes and bruises. I really like camp, but I think I almost enjoy it more when there are no campers. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love working with the campers. But I also really like having the chance to just hang out at camp with other staff and enjoy the camp property.

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