
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 25 June 2013

That's It. I'm Offically Done.

High school, that is. Well, I was done yesterday. But same thing. It all seems so surreal. I am going up to camp tomorrow and staying up there until the end of week one, which isn't until July 5th! SO long.  But it is going to be so much fun! Just got back from having sushi with some friends, some of which I will probably not see in a very long time. It's hard not to think of this time as the end of everything
It is the end of
1. High School
2. Seeing most of my friends every day at school
3. Youth Group
4 Sewing (kind of...at least regularly)
5. Scrapbooking (I'm taking a SMASH journal with me to university, so that's kind of scrapbooking....)
6. Living at Home
7. I suppose #6 also means no more allowance...
8. Seeing my family everyday
9. Having my laundry done for me (that's a big one... Shout out to my mom for all the years she has been doing my laundry and hardly ever complaining)
10. Parents paying for sushi
It's going to be a tough life.
And I know, "I should be thinking of all the beginnings!" Yeah well here's what I think:
It's the beginning of
1. Living with a stranger
2. Going to a brand new school knowing nobody
3. Living away from home for good
4. Eating cafeteria food every stinking meal
5. Realizing how much everything actually costs
6. Not having a vehicle to drive (or be driven around in)
7. Having a room half the size of what I'm used to
8. Did I mention living with a stranger?
9. Having to share a bathroom with the entire dorm floor
10. Having to pay for textbooks
This doesn't seem all too bright. I don't know what you guys are thinking with all this "new beginnings" crap.
Nah, I'm just joking (kind of). I know that it's a big change but change is good. And I'm so blessed to have my parents supporting me along the way. But you also have to see how there are some down sides to all this.

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