
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 19 June 2013

It's Over

Today was my last day of high school EVER.  I can't believe it. This last semester has flown by. It doesn't feel like it's done. Partially because it's actually not, I still have to write exams. And that is the reason why I am refusing to let myself believe that it's actually ever. Get back to me on Monday and I'll say differently.  I don't know if you remember last year I talked about how I was making Battleship for my computer science class?And how in the end it didn't really work? Anyways, this year for our final project, we did Reversi (aka Othello).  This year we actually got it work. It didn't have some of the features we had hoped for, but at least the main game actually works, which I am extremely happy about.  After exams, I head up to camp. Then after camp, off to university. Then after that, a job/career. You can throw a family in there too. Then after that retirement and grandkids. And of course the inevitable death. (Unless they've invented life preservation or something. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think I would want to live longer than an average life really...well, to 105) Wow. my life is basically done. Haha. But seriously. I can't believe how quickly everything is going.  My dad painted the driveway today, and for some reason he used this stick:

I'm presuming to stir the paint? The better question is, where did he get the stick? Did he cut it off our tree because he thought, "Gee, I really need something to stir this paint with. Ah, look. A tree." We will never know...
I had a party the other day, and one of my friends randomly brought flowers, and I have to say, some of these roses were the most photogenic roses I have ever seen:

And this is a wasp repeller thingy. I'm not really sure why I was taking pictures of it, but I LOVE how this one turned out:
One last thing, my friend told me about this new movie that's coming out, and I'm so excited. It looks like it's going to be a great movie, funny too!
I have to admit, at the beginning when it said the biggest movie ever assembled, I thought after that is was going to say "... IN LEGO". Ah well.


  1. actually the stick came from the neighbours tree. It was hanging over the fence into our yard.....

  2. great wasp thingy shot! great DOF (depth of field) - it's a phtography term. beautiful rose shots too. every stage of life gets better and better....you think it's good now...just wait!
