
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 18 October 2014


Tonight I made spaghetti carbonara for dinner. I wasn't sure how it would turn out because it calls for:
- minced garlic
- bacon
- the bacon's grease
- parmesan cheese
And I used:
- garlic powder
- bacon bits
- oil
- lets be serious, what university student has parmesan cheese?
And then there's the whole raw egg bit. But I looked it up and the egg cooks when it hits the hot spaghetti, so I think I'm good. Although you should probably keep an eye out for symptoms of salmonella. Anyways, it turned out really good. Seriously good. Like, wishing I had made more so that I can have more. It will definitely be added to my list of regular meals to make. Yeah. That's all I got to say about that.
I bought these really cute shoes yesterday. I'm calling them my gift to myself to help me get through midterm stress.
I went on a walk this morning. I looked on Google Maps to see if there was a park nearby, and there's one just a couple blocks down. So I headed in that direction, only to find the intersection closed for construction. So I had to talk a detour. I eventually did make it to the park, but by that point, I had walked so far that I didn't actually spend too much time in the park, but started trying to make my way back. On the way back I stopped by a store kind of like the old Toy Shoppe of London, but with stuff for collectors as well (like baseball cards, comics, etc). I saw this game called Concept that looks like it would be fun to play. It's about trying to get people to guess a word or a phrase by giving them pictures and colours. (e.g. if the word was "bee", you would give them "yellow", "black", "animal", "small", and "flying"). It seems like it would be fun. The phrases would obviously be much harder.
Now I have to go write another 2 pages for my Digital Culture paper. If anybody has any advice about writing introduction paragraphs, let me know.

268. Age you get mistaken for?
OH HOW I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW! I've always been really curious about this. And you can't ask people who know you, because they take your actual age into account. From people at camp the oldest I got was 23.

1 comment:

  1. Love love love the shoes. I used to have a pair like that. I would totally wear them again. How did it go wearing them all day. I like writing intro paragrsphs CUZ they are your whole paper in one paragraph. I write them last. Still have to write them everytime i write a decision. Do you have specific questions?
