
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Friday 3 October 2014

Hashtag This

I don't know if you guys would have seen this at all, but my english professor, Aimee Morrison, has been in the news a lot recently over a tweet about sexist baby onesies; check it out here. She says that she's done about 10 interviews in the past week. She's pretty cool, I really like her as a professor. (I'm wondering if this post will show up if you search her now? Hopefully not...) Jeopardy also recently had a sexist moment, with a category called "What Women Want" (and the answers were not "What is equality?")

In other news, I can't believe another week is done and I can't believe how much work I have to do over the next 3 days. I'm going to Stratford tomorrow with a couple of friends to see Crazy For You at Festival Theatre.
Last year in our ARBUS 200 class, it became a bit of a tradition in my group of friends for one of us to buy a box of Oreos to eat during class. This week while I was at the grocery store, I walked by some Oreos, and they were on sale, so I bought some to take to class. Then my one friend said (in our ARBUS 300 class), "You know what guys, I think the reason this class sucks more than last year is because we don't have cookies." And I thought to myself, "Perfect. This couldn't be more perfect!" So I reached into my bag and pulled out that box of Oreos. The look on my friend's face was great. She cried out in that way that she does, she was so happy and excited. It was a great moment. (That, my friends, is why we share. It makes you feel so good inside).
Also, my mom got Facebook, which is not only something I thought would never happen, but really funny to think about. (love ya, Mom)

259. Most embarrassing moment.
This might not be my most embarrassing moment, but it's the first one that came to mind (okay, then maybe it is my most embarrassing moment...) When I was a camper at FCC, I went horseback riding. Dallas was leading my horse. I had gone around and was back at the fence, ready to get off. Dallas told me to lean forward and slide my leg over, so I did that. However, as I started to slide off, still leaning forward, my bra got caught on the horn of the saddle. So I was hanging off the side of a horse with my shirt stretched up around the horn of the saddle. I had to climb back up and unhook it. -_-

260. Favourite subject
One would hope that it would be business or digital arts...but it's fine arts (and art history).

1 comment:

  1. You think that's embarrassing? I farted in Yoga class last night!! Enjoy Crazy For You - i hear it is awesome.
