
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 22 October 2014


All (ok, most) of my classes are overlapping so much it's ridiculous. I just finished writing a paper about how mobile phones are changing the way we interact with people in the real world. And today I received a new assignment and one of the options to write about is
And did I mention that I got back a different paper I had to do? She said the range of marks went from 70 to 90, most being in the 75-80 range. About 5 people got 70 and only 2 made it up by 90. She was basically giving up a pep talk about how not to beat ourselves up over the mark that we got, and how criticism is a part of the process. She even gave us feed back that she had received on a paper she had written that basically told her to switch professions, to make us feel better. Hearing all this, I was mentally preparing myself for a bad mark. More than that, I was expecting a bad mark. But I got 89 :D So basically at the top of the class. She said she really enjoyed reading my paper. It was a good confidence boost. That paper was worth 10%. But the best part is that with her feedback, we are supposed to revise it and submit it again. She said the only way you could possibly drop your mark was by not handing it in again. Obviously I'm not going to improve a lot, because there wasn't a lot to improve, but the revision is worth 10%, so basically the easiest 9 marks I've ever gotten. I'm feeling good.
But also not good because another assignment was introduced today where I have to come up with a 4-8min long TED Talk about a topic relevant to my field. I am so done with ARBUS. So glad that I don't ever have to take it again.
Also, there's only (basically) a month left of school left, which is blowing my mind. It seems so short, but too long at the same time. Only 63 days till Christmas ;)

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