
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 19 October 2014

What Do I Do? (A: Blog)

I have reached that horrible part of the day where I have told myself that I have so much stuff to do that I couldn't possibly have a moment of spare time, but here I am, with apparently nothing to do. I always do this to myself. I'll have an assignment or something to do and I'll say, "this is going to take forever. No goofing off. No free time." But then I get the thing done, and I am just sitting here in the mind set that I don't have free time. I hate it. Especially this time, because I'm working on this paper, and I've broken it down into parts, so I do so much every day. So technically I'm not done yet, but I've finished today's quota. And I really do not want to do more on it. (I'm not going to, that wasn't me asking for your opinion on whether I should do work or not). Maybe I'll go to bed (but *GASP* it's only 9:30!)
I have a full day tomorrow. Quite literally, and in a way that I've never had before. I have class from 10-11:20, then a break till 1 (during which I'm going to do more work on my paper). From 1-2:20 I have class again, then another 1.5hr break (where I will do even more work on my paper). At 4, I have a lab for 1hr20mins. Then I'm going to go buy dinner (because I refuse to carry around a lunch and a dinner all day) then head over to a 3hr practicum starting at 6. And it's probably not a good idea to wear new shoes on a long day, but I'm going to anyway because I really want to wear them. Wish me luck.
On the plus side, there's only 66 days till Christmas, and 54 days till I get to go home for Christmas break! Send me your wish lists now, because I am in the Christmas mood (which kind of sucks because once reality sinks in, I'm going to realize that Christmas is still two months away :( )

269. Turn Ons
(I am going to take this in a non-sexual direction)
- humour
- confidence
- yeah that's all I got
- I don't know!
- do people actually talk about these things?
- I guess it would probably help if I had been in a relationship or something so that I knew what I liked
- he's gotta smell nice

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