
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 26 October 2014

Welcome to the World of Procrastination!

Welcome to the World of Procrastination! Here, you will enjoy the motivation to do anything but the the thing you need to be doing. And all without any guilt*! Watch as all the little tasks you've been avoiding for weeks finally get done as you avoid the more important tasks at hand. After you've enjoyed your time here, we suggest you go visit Cramming City, where they will provide you with the mindset to finally get stuff done! And once again, enjoy your visit in the World of Procrastination!
So yeah. I'm not really procrastinating (much) but I thought it would be funny to do a little blurb about it. And it got me thinking, if you procrastinate, but don't like seriously procrastinate, then you might actually be more productive than if you'd just done your work in the first place. I know this doesn't go for everyone, but if you procrastinate by doing other things that you've been avoiding, while not being such a big procrastinator that you leave yourself a decent amount of time to get the important things done, then clearly procrastinating is the way to get things done! This is totally me. But then you start procrastinating by going on Pinterest or tumblr, and let's be honest, once you've hit the Internet, there's no leaving, so you might as well just give up all hope of getting anything done.
I don't have much to do today, but it's all stuff I don't want to do. I have no idea what my TED talk is going to be about. It has to be about something in our "industry". Please, I don't even know what I want to do with my life yet. How will I know anything about my industry?

*this does not apply to everyone

270. Turn off.
- when people try to grow beards but they clearly do not have the ability to do so
- moustaches without beards (whether it be well grown or not)
- rudeness
- acting like he rules the world/he's the coolest

271. Where I want to be right now
At home. (I have been thinking about Christmas a lot over the past week. Like, a lot. A disturbing amount. I get 3 weeks off at Christmas and I'm super excited [47 days till I get to go home for Christmas!] Look, Google knows what I'm asking:
And all this thinking of Christmas and going home is making me miss home. Luckily I get to go home this coming weekend.)


  1. I'm the best at procrastinating!!! How do you describe your industry.

    1. My industry? I'm thinking about doing user experience design...I don't know if that's what the industry is called. Graphic design?

  2. That's a good idea. What's your message or is it just "about" the topic?

    1. I want to talk about how to make apps better. So far I have an undo option, better button placement, minimizing how much the app does, and purposely misleading loading bars (to make you think it's loading faster). I have to try and tell a story; this is what is, this is what it could be.
