
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 29 November 2014

Christmas Time is Here

Only 2 more weeks and then I'm outta this dump (a figurative and literal dump; the cleaning by my roommates has gone down hill over the past month). Oh how I just want to be done. I'll be happy once Monday is over, because by then I will officially be done classes and all but one of my assignments will be handed in. We did some review in my English class, and this exam is going to be harder than I think I initially thought it would have been. But, nothing I can't handle! Studying is just going to be more work than I want it to be (but really, I wish studying was no work). Luckily, I don't have to study so much for my other two exams. I really just want to decorate the Christmas tree and make a really intense gingerbread house (I'm going big this year). I've been listening to Songza's Christmas playlist and it makes me really happy. Also, they included Do You Want To Build A Snowman? as a Christmas hit, and it basically made my day (it's early).

281. What's the last thing you ate?
Vegetable Thins Original crackers that I found in the cupboard. I'm pretty sure they're mine, but there is a tad of doubt in the back of my mind.

Friday 28 November 2014

Black Friday

I have plans to go shopping today. However, despite the mass advertising, I forgot that today is Black Friday. This will be interesting.

278. Why I joined tumblr.
My high school friend was on it and it looked cool. I wanted to see more stuff about Sherlock.

279. What's your favourite number?

280. (Ask me anything)
You guys get to come up with a question! Ask away!

Tuesday 25 November 2014

And She Lives!

33 hours in and...surprisingly, not as dead as I thought I would be. I went to campus at 6:30pm last night to work on my group's documentary which was due today. I did not leave campus until 7am, where my group member drove me home, I changed and grabbed a lunch, then raced to catch the city bus at 7:22, which then took me back to campus to get on the 8 o'clock bus to Stratford. The 3 of us just spent 12 hours together in a concrete-walled computer lab with no cell service. Ladies and gentlemen, my first all-nighter. Let it be made clear that editing with more than one person is hard. Especially when the files are on one device and you have to keep moving them around. This meant that I would do come editing, but then really just spent a lot of time sitting around. But I felt like I couldn't leave because...I don't know. I didn't want to abandon them. And the buses stopped at 12:30, so I was kind of stuck there anyways. I was there for moral support. And to keep them on track.  One of my group members lives fairly close to campus, so she went home around 6 to change and eat. We finished editing the video at 6am, which we then had to export. It took half an hour. We then realized that we hadn't saved some of the files, which meant there were big gaps in our video. So we had to re-save the files and export it again. It was saying it would take about an hour to export, which meant finishing at 7:30. So, cutting it pretty close. We couldn't leave the video, because the school computers log you off if it's inactive for awhile. My other group member and I were stuck waiting for our group member to return to finish up with the exporting. She came back at 7, and the two of us went home as well (albeit briefly).
All in all, a wild night. And when you're working wild hours like that, eventually the only way to get through it is to laugh. That point arrived at about 3am. There was a lot of swearing and laughing. This, however, is my favourite moment, partially simply because it was caught on camera:
We all died laughing when my group member revealed that he had caught it on camera. It was a great moment. And it accurately displays how most of the night went: serious hard work interspersed with yelling and dancing. Multiple snapchats were sent that night. When the one group member had gone home, the other group member asked me if I wanted to race him in the wheely chairs. I mentioned that there wasn't a lot of space. He looks as me and says, "No, I mean in the hallway." And I thought, yes. This is going to be so much fun. So we're bouncing off the walls scooting around and racing down the hallway. Then he says, "I wish it was connected, so we could do laps." Luckily, we were in PAS,  the most confusing building on campus, so I knew exactly where to go.
It's not clear in this picture, but this staircase is circular. There are staircases heading in every direction. And they're all connected by a hallway at the bottom. And so we started whipping around these stairs in our wheely chairs like there was no tomorrow (which there quite possibly might not have been if we didn't get the doc done). It was a blast. I don't think I've ever had so much fun at 6 in the morning before.
Now while I don't suggest all-nighters, I have to admit that this today was not as bad as I thought it would be. Although I was shaky all day from my food consumption being purely sugar. I got myself an iced capp from Timmies before heading off to Stratford. I got it for the caffeine, but I think it was the sugar more so that got me. I also had a red velvet muffin (which was delicious). I had a sandwich and pudding for lunch. The Stratford campus had gingerbread cookies for us to decorate, so I also ate a cookie. We played a bit of Wii during lunch too, since they had one set up. In reality, not a bad day, given the circumstances. Although I got a headache in the afternoon. Could have been worse, though.
As requested, a blog post. The time is 3:25am and I am currently on campus working on a documentary that is due in 6hrs. I am going to have to wake up 3hrs. I debated not going to bed, but I think I'll take a nap. And I'm going to buy myself a large iced cap before I get on the bus in 4hrs. One of my group members filmed us working and it may just be my favourite video clip. More later.
Also, the PC frozen lasagna is notably better than the PC frozen indian butter chicken.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

I'm Going Abroad!

I'm going to study abroad! Well, I've applied...to be able to apply to study abroad. I've just submitted my forms to (hopefully!) study at the University of Leeds during 2016. It's pretty exciting. My friend (who has also applied to Leeds) and I were looking at google maps today of Britain and looking up places that we wanted to visit when if we go. So far, I want to go to the Museum of Brands, Packaging & Advertising, The Sherlock Holmes Museum and Madame Tussauds London. :)
Also, check out this cool art installation (by Paul Cummins) at the Tower of London to commemorate fallen soldiers:

"Each of the 888,246 blooms [which are ceramic] represents a British or Colonial military death during the First World War, which began a century ago." Really makes a statement, doesn't it? 
Lest we forget. 
images taken from here.

Saturday 8 November 2014

Homecooked Meals For the Win

I feel bad for the students who are living off fast food and premade frozen meals because I just had a PC indian butter chicken frozen meal.


I was supposed to have spaghetti and meatballs, but I forgot to take the sauce out of the freezer, so I had this frozen dinner that I only bought cause it was on sale. And how badly I would have preferred the spaghetti and meatballs, you'll never know.
This weekend has been incredibly unproductive in terms of school work. Although I have made big progress on my various study abroad forms. I've decided that my first choice school is the University of Leeds. I'm really excited, now that most of the stress of all the forms is mostly out of the way. Also, I can't get over how fast time is moving. Like, another week is gone already. Each day comes and is it's own, but then BAM it's the weekend again and I'm just over here like damn where did the time go. And I keep looking at my list of things that I need to do and how I'm ignoring every single one of them. I'm pretty sure at about 8pm tonight I'll suddenly get this panic and I'll work till midnight (hopefully. I'm kind of banking on that happening so that today isn't completely unproductive).

275. Something that's worrying me right now
(LOL) Um, my lack of productiveness this weekend.

276. tumblr friends
No one.

277. Description of my best friend.
- funny
- beautiful
- caring
- loving
- creative
- giving
- supportive
- loves me for me
- honest
- makes me smile
- fashionable
- intelligent
- genuine
- my RDJ-loving partner
- there for me
- encouraging
- imaginative
- ambitious
- friendly
- happy
- outgoing
- an independent woman THAT DON'T NEED NO MAN
- encouraging
- talkitive ;)
- basically the coolest person I know
- aka my BFFLAAT 8D

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Benedict Cumberbatch Is Engaged (Yes, I Heard)

So Benedict Cumberbatch announces his engagement and all I get is, and I quote,
"And all the Cumberbatch fans sighed with sadness..."
"I guess you will have to set your sights on someone else now that BC is taken :)"
"Sorry hon. Ha!"
Geez louise
Who do you think I am? While I may have initially, I don't look at Benedict that way. And besides, he's 38. In case you hadn't realized, I'm 19. He's quite literally twice my age.
And for the record:
Fans are happy

And I love that it was announced in the papers 

I can't wait for him to have kids :)

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Posting this is very self-centered and materialistic (but hey, at least I'm aware it's self-centered and materialistic, right?)

Christmas Wish List:
- Sherlock Book Pillow
- digital drawing tablet
- temperature set kettle
- Toothless stuffed animal
- humidity regulator for guitar
- RELEVANT magazine subscription
- Whispers T-Shirt (green) 
- laptop case - hard shell, snap on, transparent
- Sherlock Limited Edition Gift Set S1-3
- Sherlock: Chronicles
- TARDIS Skirt

Who Needs Productivity?

I have done nothing academically productive this evening and I feel really sucky about it. So I'm going to blog.

If you're looking for some new music, might I direct you to Hozier and his debut self-titled album. He's got an indie rock, soul/blues sound. I really like his album (it's the only I've been listening to recently).

272. Favourite picture of your idol.
(I'm going to call them my favourite role model/person rather than an idol)
(also remember when I lost it over this?)

273. Something I'm talented at.
Painting? Doodling.

274. 5 things that make me happy
1. Completing things before they need to be done
2. Watching movies
3. Talking to my friends
4. Mentally allowing myself to do something (ex. "You can eat a cookie once you're done this paper")
5. Finding new music that I like

Sunday 2 November 2014

As if my english professor wasn't awesome enough already, I get an email from her saying our quiz is cancelled and we get 100% on it. Sweet!
Also, I've lost my October. If anybody's seen it, I would greatly appreciate its return.