
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Sorry About That...

...I had a little bit of a breakdown last night.
Anywho, putting that behind us, have you ever tried not using your mouse?  How far can you go with just using the button on your keyboard? Can you check all your favourite websites? Can you send an email? Could you even play a game? I've gotten this far, from turning on the computer to opening firefox to getting to my blog and writing a post.  I think that's pretty impressive.  I even checked my email on the way in.  Email is hard though, lots of tabbing and going through and almost making it and then pressing the tab button one too many times and having to go through it all again.  You should try it out.  Who knew you would depend so much on a mouse?  Hehe, that was a funny sentence.  As a part of the core staff at FCC this summer, you are required to run a craft during the mornings and afternoons.  I wanted to do either high ropes or rock climbing.  I got high ropes and I'm really excited.  The only thing is is that you have to do some training in order to be certified to operate the ropes.  Last year when I was just a CIT and I helped out with high ropes I just got a quick lesson from one of the counselors on how to do it.  But I guess since I'll be doing it all summer I should be certified.  Speaking of certified, over the weekend we did first aid training, mainly CPR.  It is a 16-hour long course, but we did it in 2.  It was a really watered down version mainly focusing on CPR.  But we still get the full certification.  The ambulance driver/nurse who taught it to us was kind of funny. "The short and dirty reality is that if someone goes into cardiac arrest they have 10 minute.  From the station I'm positioned at, it takes me 15 minutes to get here." Ok then, great to know.  I hope no campers go into cardiac arrest.  We used a defibrillator on a dummy.   Ugh, a shut down to install updates window just popped up and I couldn't get out of it without using the mouse.  Guess that's as far as I got.

1 comment:

  1. try holding down the shift key while tabbing to go around backwards. Knowledge held over from the DOS days.....
