
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Friday 15 June 2012

It's The Thought That Counts

So as I was walking home today I noticed some blue ribbons tied around people's trees, etc.  I was trying to think of what they were for. I know that when a soldier dies we tie yellow ribbons, but I couldn't think for the life of me what a blue ribbon meant.  Today my brother came home and he had one.  The school is sending them home with kids for them to show support for one of the teachers.  It was recently found out that her 4 year old son has leukemia (I think it's leukemia, but don't hold me to it).  I think that is such a nice thing to do for her and her family.  I really hope that this moves her family (not literally, but emotionally) because I'm feeling pretty moved and I'm not even involved.  I'm reading a book right now and in it it says, "Perhaps the Fates are people like us...ordinary souls who've found themselves caught up in the battle between good and evil, and have chosen to take a stand and help do what's right.  Small things that take just a moment to do, yes, but that could add up, in the end, to make an enormous difference to someone. " I think it is fitting for the situation.  On another note, we got our yearbooks today.  The theme was fairytales...I think? It's all about castles and dragons and kings and queens and stuff.  So far it seems good.  The one thing that drives me up the wall is when they give somebody the wrong name. It's like, is it impossible to get people's names right?  There are only 1080 people including staff in the school.  Is it really that hard? When I'm 90 (yes I will live that long) how am I supposed to be expected to remember everyone? I'll trust the yearbook, WHICH IS WRONG!!!  Ugh, that is my pet peeve of the month.  (I have so many pet peeves, I name one every month).

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