
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Monday 4 June 2012


Earlier I thought of somebody else to add to my list but now that I've come around to actually posting, I can't remember.  Geez, I think there is something wrong with the 'b' button on our keyboard.  How annoying.  I'm kind of stressed out right now about exams and camp.  I don't know why I'm stressed about camp, it should be something to be excited about.  But exams are only 18 days away.  I don't have any exams on the first day of exams but then I have two on the second day, Travel and Tourism and Biology. Speaking of biology, we start a rat dissection tomorrow.  Great fun. I don't think I'll have to do any cutting though because my friends in my group are pretty excited about it.  I have my computer science exam on the third day which happens to be a Monday.  We just started working on our final project, my friend and I decided to do Battleship.  I hope we can get it done.  My friend wants to add all these features because the more features, the more marks, but I have to keep telling her, lets get the basic game going and then if we have time we can add more on.  It's going to be difficult.  And then last but not least (unfortunately) I have math on the last afternoon of exams.  Then 5 days later I'm off to camp.  Everything is coming up so fast.  I have a lot of stuff to get for camp that I still need.  Not to mention that there is a camp training weekend this weekend so I won't be able to study then. And I'm going to Canada's Wonderland the next Saturday with my youth group.  That will probably be the last outing I have in a long time.  The weeks of camp go from Sunday afternoon till Friday night, every week of summer.  So we have Saturdays off, and those will most likely be spent catching up on sleep.  I might not post for a while because I'm studying and then you will be lucky if I post over the summer. So maybe goodbye. Actually, I have those 5 days after exams and before camp, I'll probably be back.
6. Josh Hutcherson
This isn't who I was thinking of, but I'm going to add him.  He was in THE HUNGER GAMES, what more do you want out of a guy? :D  Seriously though. He's cute, too.

1 comment:

  1. Make it a top ten list! You'll do great on exams. Don't ya just love the Bourne books! Movies are good too but books are better.
