
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Monday 25 June 2012

So Close

Only one more exam to go: functions.  This will be my hardest one.  This morning I had my computer science exam. It was only 4 pages, single-sided.  That is very short.  I think I did fairly well, except on one question where I drew a blank.  I dislike having a weekend in between exams because I think oh, I'm done exams, I don't have to do anything. WRONG!  And you really don't want to do any studying.  But now I am so close to saying done for real.  After my exam tomorrow, I'm going my BFFLAAT's house to tie dye some t-shirts.  Then I'm going up to camp for high ropes training.  I'm kind of worried about this.  Not about the actual training, but the time slots.  First of all, I don't know when the time slots are. Second of all, the assistant camp director was saying that she thinks that training won't go past 4pm. So what am I going to do? I know that the wranglers are up there, and I think that maybe one of the counselors is already up there, but I don't want to be bugging them all the time.  So I'm taking lots of stuff up to entertain me. It's starting to sink in now that this is it, literally.  I'm sure I've told you this before, but after I get back from training on Friday, I pack and then am back up at camp for the rest of the summer.  Adios, amigos!  I've started to gt stuff together that I need to take up.  Tomorrow is Amy and Rory's 2nd wedding anniversary, it says so on my Doctor Who calendar.  I'm really sad, because the writers of DW said that they're going to be killed off this season. I really like them.  This will be their third season, which I guess is the average span of time that someone spends with the Doctor.  Speaking of which, I've been watching series 1 of DW, my friend lent it to me.  I don't like this actor as much, thankfully he only did one season. I really hope I like the next actor, because he did 4 seasons!  
The scenario here is that the world just ended (kind of) but the Doctor is on the wrong side of the "wall".  By being on the wrong side, everybody forgets him.  The lady who walks by the window is River Song, a friend of the Doctor's, and the blue book is River's.  Then Amy starts remembers, and well, you can see the rest. :)

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