
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Thursday 29 May 2014


I'm (kinda) in the news! Check it out! I painted that piano! With my friend Croissant, we are the "high school students". Ah I'm so happy it finally made it to where it was supposed to be. We painted that over a year ago, and hadn't heard anything about where it was going or when. That just made my day :)

Monday 26 May 2014

Camp has been really good. Tiring, but I've really enjoyed being up there. And I really like being in the kitchen. A couple days ago I had some time where I wasn't supposed to be doing anything, and I thought to myself, "I don't know what to do with myself." Our schedule is pretty packed, and is only going to be more so starting next week.

176. Last person you talked to today?
My mom.

177. Name a person you hate?
I don't hate anyone, really.

178. Name a person you love?
Nobody romantically, but I love my BFFLAAT :)

179. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
What kind of question is this? I'll punch the person that asked this question!

180. In a fight with someone?
Really, who is asking these questions? No, I am not.

181. How many sweatpants do you have?
This is another stupid question in a completely different way. 3.

182. How many hoodies/sweaters do you have?
I don't know off the top of my head (who does?) but definitely more than 10.

Monday 19 May 2014


Spritz is an application where you read one word at a time and the words flash in this little box. It sounds really weird, but I like it. You can choose the speed you go at. This is at 350 wpm (words per minute) (the average is 250wpm):

I think this is so cool. I would use this all the time. Their website has a button at the top so that you can Spritz their website. How fast can you read?

170. Favourite Movie?
This is a question I hate being asked. I really like Inception and Avatar, those are my go-to answers. Frozen is also really good, but that's more of a passing appreciation.

171. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
I didn't know there was a Mean Girls 2...?

172. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
I haven't seen 21 Jump Street, so Mean Girls.

173. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
Probably Damian.

174. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
Peach (the starfish) and the "mine" seagulls. But of course Dory.
(I was just looking at the IMDb pages for both Mean Girls and Finding Nemo, and did you know that FN came out before Mean Girls? I thought it was the other way around...)

175. First person you talked to today?
My dad.

Tuesday 13 May 2014


Woohoohoo! Camp! So excited. This evening, we (excluding myself) were calling families and seeing if their kids were interested in coming up to camp this summer. However, camp only has one phone line, and we had a lot of families to be calling. So then people were seeing if their phone plan would support making a bunch long distance calls. But! Eventually we figured out that you can use Google+ to make phone calls (who knew?!). So everyone was in different corners calling people off their laptops. It was funny to watch people talk and the different reactions parents would give to getting the phone call. There was a lot of pumpkin left in the kitchen so now the head cook is looking up recipes to use pumpkin in different ways. It will be interesting to see what we come up with! I can connect to the wifi everywhere in the dining hall except my room, which is a little annoying to say the least. And I usually blog just before bed, so basically you're all doomed on the update front. But you can be praying for camp and the staff!

161. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
I did this past weekend. There was my webkinz golden retriever Cappuccino, my sock monkey, a Hershey's kiss plushie, Bandit the raccoon from Great Wolf Lodge and Domo in a panda suit.

162. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
At least 15.

163. Favourite animal?
I don't really have one. Platypus, maybe.

164. What colour is your underwear?
The pair I'm wearing right now is white with little light blue and green flowers on it.

165. Chocolate or vanilla?
I used to be a chocolate-all-the-way-kind of gal, but I am starting to appreciate vanilla more.

167. What colour shirt are you wearing?
I'm wearing a grey UWaterloo sweater.

168. What colour pants?
Light grey (don't judge my fashion choices; I'm at camp)

169. Favourite TV show?

Saturday 10 May 2014


I don't know how much I've complained about advertising on here (I know I've done it out loud to other people), but I am startled at how pathetic and cheesy some of the advertisements I see are.  Especially since I've been in school for digital media, I've really noticed it. I'll point out, oh that was sad, or, that does not make me want to buy their product/service. However, my dad showed me this promo for VW Golf, which I think is very clever. Somebody at VW marketing is actually using their brain. Faith in humanity ('s ability to advertise) restored. Basically what happens is every second they drop the price just over a cent (dropping the price almost $1000/day). Once the price has dropped enough that you want to buy it, all you have to do is hit the button and get to a dealership within a month to get your new VW Golf for the special price. But here's the catch: once somebody hits the button, the countdown resets to the regular price and starts all over again. Cool, huh? I'm curious as to how quickly someone will hit the button. Last I checked, someone must have hit the button only a couple hours ago, but I don't know how much of a discount they got. Starting at just under $19,000.00, it's currently at $18,855.44. Let me know how low you see it!

Monday 5 May 2014


I got 81% in microeconomics! Boo yeah baby! But there's no way I actually got that, I'm thinking he went ahead and bell curved the exam (or I don't know my own knowledge) but I'm not complaining. My average for the term was 82, which I am very happy with. My lowest mark, however, was in digital imaging, which you would think would be easier to do well in. But the professor was a very hard marker. The highest mark I ever got on any of my assignments was 82. Also, I am in love with Songza (thank you Justine!). I am now wondering how I ever lived without it. Only two more days till I'm heading up to camp! I'm so excited. I love being at camp when there are no campers around. It's a completely different experience. It will be especially strange for the first few days because there might only be three people there.

160. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Three (one is a husband pillow [weirdest name ever]), but I only actually sleep on one. The other two are off to the side.

Sunday 4 May 2014

May the Fourth be With You

158. Craving something? What?

159. What colour are your towels?
I have a white one, pink one, and a purple one.