
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Thursday 2 May 2013

Blue Skies and Sunshine, Another Beautiful Day in Paradise!

The sun is finally shining here in London, ON. And you can't help but be happy because of it.  The funny thing today though was the number of people walking around with sunburns at school today.  I was shocked! Day one of sunshine and already people are being burnt. Talk about starting off on the wrong foot.  The title of this post was inspired by Monopoly Tropical Tycoon, the board game with a DVD component.  When there is a period of time that you are not using the DVD, it will say the weather. But it keeps saying it. And saying it. And so now it's kind of a thing with our family, we say Blue Skies and Sunshine, Another Beautiful Day in Paradise! when it's sunny out.  I mowed the lawn when I got home today...I'm trying to do something outside each day, bonus points if it's physical activity.  One of the reasons I love mowing the lawn....Hold up. I need to reword that so it doesn't sound like I actually enjoy it. It's a chore, and I would prefer not to do it, but since I have to do it, might as well look for the positives, right? Well, one of the things I love is seeing the cut grass right beside the grass that has yet to be cut. It's kind of like the feeling you get when you've had to white something out and then when you start writing over the white-out. You know, the kind of excited feeling? Right...I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who gets those feelings...Anyways, here's a picture I took:

The people living behind us are getting their roof redone and the workers were probably thinking, "What the heck is that girl doing? First she was mowing the lawn, then she suddenly stops, gets her camera, is on her knees taking pictures of grass and now she's mowing again!"  Ah well. Annnnnd since I'm lazy about loading pictures onto my computer, here are some other photos I had intended to post but then never got around to it:

What do you think this is? Icing? Nope. It's cake batter. Well, actually it was cupcake batter. I made them for youth group, but I was just really surprised at how thick it was. They weren't great cupcakes, in case you were wondering.

And this is a tunnel/trail that either a vole or mouse has created leading to various places around the yard. It's mainly in one section, going between the deck and shed, where they undoubtedly have a nest.  However there is one trail that ventures off into the great unknown that is out backyard. Any guesses as to where it leads to?

If you guessed THE FRICKIN BIRD SEED THAT THE BIRDS KEPT DROPPING(!!!!!!), then you are correct.  It's probably what attracted the mice/voles in the first place.  And also this is a bush/tree hybrid: (I may have posted this one before...)

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