
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Friday 10 May 2013


So I was just watching the latest episode of Elementary that I had recorded. From the beginning, I've always thought of Elementary as ok. It was never as good as Sherlock, but still interesting enough to bother recording it. The episodes are usually a one-off story, a crime is introduced and solved within the episode. But the last few have been one story, all leading up to the season finale.  But I could have never seen this coming, what they did. I can't believe it! I won't say what it is, because my mom might read this before she has a chance to watch the episode, but wow.  It's almost comparable to Sherlock. Almost. And obviously as soon as this big thing happened, the episode ended. So now I have to wait till next week to find out what happens.  There is only one episode left.   It's starting earlier than it normally does, so I'm hoping it's an extra long episode. It had better be, because they have some serious explaining to do! I can't handle it!!!!!!!!!! Just like I can't handle all this free time I have on my hands. There's no youth group tonight...what do people usually do on Friday nights?

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