
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Blog Stats

As of right now, my most popular post has been Night Fury.  The only explanation I can think of for this is because it has a lot of photos of Night Fury (the dragon from How To Train Your Dragon) and so if people are googling for images of Night Fury, my page would come up. That's the only think I can think of. Unless you all have a fetish for Night Fury and have that page bookmarked or something. The second most popular is My Top 5 Men. That's a little more understandable. If someone was googling top men or something, my page would show up. Ah, I have just checked and the top search result that leads people to my blog is the search 'night fury'.  The second is Robert Downey Jr. I'm glad I can be depended on for supplying the world with it's need of Robert Downey Jr. :) Most people viewing my blog come from Canada (not surprising). Then it's the USA. Understandable, seeing as they are an extremely large country and one of the most technologically advanced. But then it's Russia. I guess they're a big country too...? And most of you use Firefox and Windows. GO MICROSOFT GO! The next highest operating system is the iPad. Not even the Mac, it's the iPad.  (I'm looking at you, J).  It's so cool how the blog tells you all this. If you want to know how many page views I've had, it's on the right a little ways down.  I wish there was a way to not track my own page views. I'm sure my page views would go down considerably.  :)

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