
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Artists, Models, The Market and Ducks

That describes my day today. It was an art field trip. We went to the Art's Project downtown and heard from Steve Tracy who is an painter having a show there currently.  He has some pretty cool stuff.  He recently finished a series called Sculpted Flowers, in which he uses a technique similar to that of decorating a cake. He fills tubes with a few different colours and squeezes it through a custom tip onto the canvas.  It results in a very 3D effect. And one that is very tempting to touch.  All of my friends expressed a desire to touch the paintings.  At the end of his talk, he asked if anybody had any question. I asked if someone were to touch them, would it be rock hard or bendable? And his answer: Oh, well you can touch them if you want. !!!  My one friend actually let out a little yelp.  Needless to say, everybody was walking around touching all the paintings.  Not something every artist would allow!
Then we went into one of the studios and drew gesture drawings and figure drawings. It was really neat to do a 30min pose, that's the longest we've ever done. I didn't think I would like it because when we were doing 10min poses I found that I had too much time. But knowing that I had 30mins allowed me to take more time on the proportions and then eventually work on shading.   Then we went to the Market and had lunch. (I think that this was what most people were most excited about throughout the entire day). I had a meat burek (a pastry tube type thing filled with meat and then coiled and baked, with sour cream, it's so good!).  Then we went down to Harris Park to draw the ducks. We were lucky and found a pair of ducks that were content with just sitting there while we drew them. However, the whole point of drawing the ducks instead of something was to try drawing something that wouldn't stay still. Ah well, it was fun. I brought my camera and took lots of photos of the ducks and my friends.  It was an overall great day. 

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