
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 1 May 2013

I Don't Think I'm Going to Make it to 100...

Years old that is. I'm not trying to be a downer or anything but given my genes and the statistics of today, it's not likely I'll make it to 100. However, if I do make it to 100, which, by all means, would be great, I'm not dying until I'm 105.  If I don't make it to 100, I'm fine with that, but if I do make it to 100, I have to make it to 105. Because then I'd be able to say I've lived through two turn of the centuries.  Wow.  Do you ever just look at the big picture and it's like ".........um........ok.........wow......didntseethatonecoming.......lolnope......" Started off well, that sentence. It got away from me, yeah. <- Doctor Who reference!!!  Annnnnd now that I'm on the topic of DW, that reference is from one of my favourtie episodes, Blink. And now, as I'm trying to think of how to explain it to you, I am recalling typing it out before hand and thinking that I must've talked about Blink before. Oh well.  This is my favourite scene (sorry about the subtitles...it was the only video I could find of this scene.)

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