
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 8 March 2014

Let me tell you about my morning. I was having a really weird dream. Now, very rarely do I remember my dreams, so the fact alone that I remembered it at all was weird. I was dreaming that it was Hershey's birthday and so I wanted to do something for her. I decided I would send her a letter - through space. Dad handed me a phone number and said these people would get everything sorted out. So I wrote a letter and an astronaut showed up on my back deck. I took some pictures with him and then he was off to deliver the letter. A couple days later he showed up again to show me pictures of Hershey with him and the letter. I was pretty excited. Then I woke up. I was happy because of the dream. I wanted to know what time it was because I could see the sun just starting to peek in through the windows. So I went to look at my iPod, which had my alarm on it, only to see that it had died. And then I started panicking. I quite literally jumped across the room to get my phone to see what time it was, because I was thinking, there is no possible way that I would naturally wake up in time to get to Stratford. It was 7:15AM. After thanking the Lord multiple times, I rushed to get ready. I was in such a panic and I was worrying about not making it to the bus on time. Speeding through getting ready, I head out, speed walking to the bus. I arrive at the bus, satisfied that I made it. But then the emptiness of the bus hits me; why are more people not here? I then started to panic that maybe it wasn't Friday and I was terribly confused. I then glanced at the time, only to see that it was 7:45AM, an entire 20mins before the bus leaves. I was 20mins early after rushing through everything. I was so mad. Anyways, that was my eventful and stressful morning. I think the stress wiped me out, I was so tired all day.

108. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
*never been kissed*

109. Do you think there is life on other planets?
Yes. I don't think there are other major organisms like ourselves, but I think there are probably some sort of bacteria or micro-organisms out there.

My self esteem, oh it's seen better days
- Make It Without You, Andrew Belle

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